The Mayonnaise Jar

Below is an excellent video. Lets call it "The Mayonnaise Jar". I hope you will watch it. But before you do - a little context. While coaching people on nutrition and fitness for some time now, I have found some common things that people find as challenges. It's not so much the food plan - some may not like spinach, some may not like bok-choy. If the solution was just what foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid, we could post those lists and America would become healthy. If you ask people what is the most difficult aspect of making healthy food, its "time". Time to shop, time to cook, time to eat..... This next point is not meant to be cruel, but meant to be to the point. If we say we don't have time, what we are really saying is "it is not a priority" So that probably struck a cord with some, because we all have so much on our plates these days and so much we feel is important. Some days we feel like failures because we can...