
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Mayonnaise Jar

Below is an excellent video. Lets call it "The Mayonnaise Jar". I hope you will watch it. But before you do - a little context. While coaching people on nutrition and fitness for some time now, I have found some common things that people find as challenges. It's not so much the food plan - some may not like spinach, some may not like bok-choy. If the solution was just what foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid, we could post those lists and America would become healthy. If you ask people what is the most difficult aspect of making healthy food, its "time". Time to shop, time to cook, time to eat..... This next point is not meant to be cruel, but meant to be to the point. If we say we don't have time, what we are really saying is "it is not a priority" So that probably struck a cord with some, because we all have so much on our plates these days and so much we feel is important. Some days we feel like failures because we can...

Minding Your Mitochondria

The attached video is by Dr. Terry Wahls. Although the focus of the video is on her journey of recovering from Multiple Sclerosis, the lessons within lend to all of our health. In particular, you will see what she learned about the mitochondria of the human cell and how taking care of them took care of her. Ultimately, she arrived at a ketogenic paleo diet including plenty of nutrient dense vegetables of which a large amount where cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower). For a little detail on mitochondria before the video, look below. Our body is made up of systems (i.e. endocrine), which are made up of organs (i.e pancreas), which are made up of tissue which are made up of cells. Now we can talk..... Mitochondria are one of a number of organelles within a human cell. They are very important in that they are the energy factories for the cell. They can be as many as 1000 to 2000 mitochondria in a human liver cell. They turn the fatty acids, sugars and amino acids into energy....

"All disease begins in the gut" ~ Hippocrates ~

Have you had trouble with weight management most of your life? Do you struggle with abdominal fullness or pain? Do you have nausea, gas or bloating? Do you have fibromyalgia? Do you have flatulence that that is a sulfur smelling gas? Are you often fatigued and have brain fog?  These are just some of the conditions associated with poor gut health. Did you know: Poor gut health can cause metabolism deregulation 1 90% of microbiome (intestinal) bacteria are made up of 2 bacteria types that play a role in weight management. 2 Gut health has an impact on brain neurotransmitters governing mood, energy levels and mental functioning. 70% of serotonin, one of our "feel good" hormones, is produced in the gut. Visit the Lifestyle Works Clinic Gut Health web page for an overview. Lifestyle Works Clinic - Gut Health